Doctoras Pino

Prevention programs

Breast cancer and uterine cervical cancer are two of the most frequent cancers in the female population, and therefore, prevention of their appearance and early diagnosis is essential throughout a woman's life.

Prevention of cervical cancer:

In 99.7% of cases, cervical cancer is the result of an unresolved infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). After the start of sexual intercourse, the rate of acquisition of HPV is very high. There are currently 3 vaccines that prevent the appearance and development of cervical cancer. 

In your visit we will carry out a follow-up plan with cytology, HPV test and co-tests, based on your age and medical history, as well as other diagnostic techniques to rule out high-grade lesions (colposcopy) if necessary. We will advise you on healthy lifestyle habits and the most appropriate vaccine for you if you have not previously administered it.


Prevention of breast cancer:

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. However, thanks to prevention and early diagnosis strategies, it is also the cancer with the highest survival rate. In your visit we will carry out a series of procedures aimed at achieving an accurate and early screening of this pathology: 

1. Medical history:

In the prevention of breast cancer your family history will be essential. Depending on whether you have a family history of breast cancer, you will start from a low-risk, moderate-risk or high-risk situation. Based on this information, we will assess the most appropriate periodicity for your controls, as well as the need to propose a complete genetic study.

2. Imaging tests:

- Breast ultrasound: Useful mainly in young women with greater breast density. In addition, at these ages the appearance of non-malignant pathology (cysts, fibroadenomas) is frequent, which can be bothersome and subsidiary to treatment.

- Mammography: Indicated in low-risk women from the age of 45. It may be advisable to start the controls earlier depending on your personal and family history. 

You can find more information about prevention programs in our blog!